Lobster Anatomy

by | Nov 9, 2023 | IN show Narration, Just A Minute

Lobsters and other filter-feeding crustaceans first emerged millions of years before dinosaurs, and their anatomy is quite fascinating. Lobsters do not have a centralized brain like mammals do – instead they have large ganglia (a cluster of nerve cells) which is located in its throat, its nervous system is in its abdomen, its teeth are in its first stomach, yes they have two, and its kidneys are in its head.

Lobsters and other filter-feeding crustaceans first emerged millions of years before dinosaurs, and their anatomy is quite fascinating. Lobsters do not have a centralized brain  like mammals do – instead they have large ganglia (a cluster of nerve cells) which is located in its throat, its nervous system is in its abdomen, its teeth are in its first stomach, yes they have two, and its kidneys are in its head. A new study suggests that Lobsters “hear” with their hair fibers, and  Chemosensory leg and feet hairs “identify food” so basically they taste with their feet. Yep, That’s some crazy anatomy, but these critters survived all 5 mass extinctions. So there. One of the few things lobsters have in common with humans is they tend to favor one front limb, meaning they can be right-clawed or left-clawed.

Maine lobsters, can weigh more than 40 pounds and grow up to 3 feet long. The largest lobster on record was caught off Novia Scotia in the late 70’s. It weighed 44 pounds and was 42 inches long. Scientists believe it was at least 100 years old—twice the lifespan of the average lobster. 

A new study suggests that Lobsters “hear” with their hair fibers, and Chemosensory leg and feet hairs “identify food” so basically they taste with their feet. Yep, That’s some crazy anatomy, but these critters survived all 5 mass extinctions. So there. One of the few things lobsters have in common with humans is they tend to favor one front limb, meaning they can be right-clawed or left-clawed.
Maine lobsters, can weigh more than 40 pounds and grow up to 3 feet long. The largest lobster on record was caught off Novia Scotia in the late 70’s. It weighed 44 pounds and was 42 inches long. Scientists believe it was at least 100 years old—twice the lifespan of the average lobster.
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